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Shattered Sun Supplies

Shattered Sun Supplies
Binds when picked up
Item Level 1
<Right Click to Open>


11468188WaistCloth Armor3(1)
11468230FeetCloth Armor3(1)
11468334ChestCloth Armor3(1)
11468209HandsCloth Armor3(1)
11468271HeadCloth Armor3(1)
11468292LegsCloth Armor3(1)
11468250ShoulderCloth Armor3(1)
11468146WristCloth Armor3(1)
11468262WaistLeather Armor3(1)
11468321FeetLeather Armor3(1)
11468466ChestLeather Armor3(1)
11468292HandsLeather Armor3(1)
11468379HeadLeather Armor3(1)
11468408LegsLeather Armor3(1)
11468350ShoulderLeather Armor3(1)
11468204WristLeather Armor3(1)
11468399WaistMail Armor3(1)
11468487FeetMail Armor3(1)
11468709ChestMail Armor3(1)
11468443HandsMail Armor3(1)
11468576HeadMail Armor3(1)
11468620LegsMail Armor3(1)
11468531ShoulderMail Armor3(1)
11468310WristMail Armor3(1)
11468576WaistPlate Armor3(1)
11468704FeetPlate Armor3(1)
114681023ChestPlate Armor3(1)
11468640HandsPlate Armor3(1)
11468831HeadPlate Armor3(1)
11468895LegsPlate Armor3(1)
11468768ShoulderPlate Armor3(1)
11468448WristPlate Armor3(1)
11468167BackCloth Armor3(1)
11468FingerMisc. (Armor)3(1)
11468NeckMisc. (Armor)3(1)
11468Held In Off-handMisc. (Armor)3(1)


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