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Quick Facts
  • Buy for: 40 35 85
  • Disenchantable (275)

Crystalblade of the Draenei

Crystalblade of the Draenei
Binds when equipped
+18 Stamina
Durability 90 / 90
Requires Level 66
Item Level 103
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 13 (0.85% @ L66).
Equip: Increases your extra armor by 56
Sell Price: 8 7 17


Ssslith65A HHumanoid0.3
Korgaah67A HHumanoid0.1
Shadowmaster Grieve65A HHumanoid0.1
Sunfury Guardsman67 - 68A HHumanoid0.1
Sunfury Magister67 - 68A HHumanoid0.1
Dark Conclave Talonite67A HUndead0.1
Vekh'nir Stormcaller65 - 66A HHumanoid0.1
Ruuan'ok Skyfury66 - 67A HHumanoid0.1
Ruuan'ok Ravenguard66 - 67A HHumanoid0.1
Bladespire Enforcer67A HHumanoid0.1
Bloodmaul Dire Wolf65A HBeast0.1
Ruuan'ok Matriarch67A HHumanoid0.1
Fiendling Flesh Beast67A HUncategorized0.1
Bladespire Ravager67A HBeast0.1
Thunderlord Dire Wolf65 - 70A HBeast0.1
Grishnath Basilisk67A HBeast0.1
Lesser Nether Drake66 - 67A HDragonkin0.1
Shadow Council Warlock67A HHumanoid0.1
Mutant Horror67 - 68A HUncategorized0.1
Silkwing65 - 66A HBeast0.1
Wyrmcult Blessed67 - 68A HDragonkin0.1
Wyrmcult Scout67 - 68A HHumanoid0.1
Mature Nether Drake67A HDragonkin0.1
Proto-Nether Drake67A HDragonkin0.1
Scorpid Bonecrawler64 - 65A HBeast0.1
Wyrmcult Hunter66 - 67A HHumanoid0.1
Lithic Oracle64 - 65A HHumanoid0.1
Nexus Stalker65 - 66
A HHumanoid0
Durnholde Veteran67
A HHumanoid0
Murkblood Brute67A HHumanoid0
Auchenai Soulpriest65 - 66
A HHumanoid0
Warmaul Shaman65 - 66A HHumanoid0
Boulderfist Warrior65 - 66A HHumanoid0
Boulderfist Mage65 - 66A HHumanoid0
Kil'sorrow Deathsworn65 - 66A HHumanoid0
Agitated Orc Spirit66 - 67A HUndead0
Enraged Crusher65 - 66A HElemental0
Warmaul Warlock66 - 67A HHumanoid0
Warmaul Reaver65 - 66A HHumanoid0
Warmaul Brute66 - 67A HHumanoid0
Boulderfist Mystic64 - 65A HHumanoid0
Gan'arg Tinkerer66 - 68A HDemon0
Ravenous Windroc65 - 66A HBeast0
Muck Spawn64 - 66A HElemental0


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