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  • Side: Alliance

Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample

Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample
Binds when picked up
Unique (100)
Item Level 65
"You may turn 10 of these items in to Chief Researcher Kartos at Halaa if the Alliance have control of the base."


Mo'arg Engineer67A HDemon60
Windroc64 - 65A HBeast60
Greater Windroc66 - 67A HBeast60
Talbuk Stag64 - 65A HBeast60
Talbuk Thorngrazer65 - 66A HBeast60
Aged Clefthoof66 - 67A HBeast60
Boulderfist Mystic64 - 65A HHumanoid60
Boulderfist Warrior65 - 66A HHumanoid60
Boulderfist Mage65 - 66A HHumanoid60
Warmaul Reaver65 - 66A HHumanoid60
Windyreed Scavenger64 - 65A HHumanoid60
Windyreed Wretch64 - 65A HHumanoid60
Kil'sorrow Spellbinder66 - 67A HHumanoid60
Kil'sorrow Cultist65 - 66A HHumanoid60
Kil'sorrow Deathsworn65 - 66A HHumanoid60
Vir'aani Raider65 - 66A HHumanoid60
Vir'aani Arcanist66 - 67A HHumanoid60
Gan'arg Tinkerer66 - 68A HDemon60
Felguard Legionnaire67 - 68A HDemon60
Lake Spirit64 - 65A HElemental60
Muck Spawn64 - 66A HElemental60
Lake Surger65 - 66A HElemental60
Tortured Earth Spirit64 - 65A HElemental60
Shattered Rumbler66 - 67A HElemental60
Storm Rager65 - 66A HElemental60
Voidspawn65 - 66A HDemon60
Dark Worg64 - 65A HBeast60
Warmaul Warlock66 - 67A HHumanoid60
Agitated Orc Spirit66 - 67A HUndead60
Enraged Crusher65 - 66A HElemental60
Warmaul Shaman65 - 66A HHumanoid60
Warmaul Brute66 - 67A HHumanoid60
Twilight Serpent69 - 70A HBeast60
Gurok the Usurper67A HElemental60
Murkblood Putrifier65 - 66A HHumanoid60
Murkblood Raider66 - 67A HHumanoid60
Ortor of Murkblood67A HHumanoid60
Clefthoof64 - 65A HBeast60
Murkblood Scavenger64A HHumanoid60
Murkblood Brute67A HHumanoid60
Ravenous Windroc65 - 66A HBeast60
Murkblood Invader67A HHumanoid60
Gutripper67A HBeast60
Bach'lor67A HBeast60
Banthar67A HBeast60
Bull Elekk66 - 67A HBeast60
<Queen of the Elekk>
68A HBeast60
Gava'xi67A HHumanoid60
Wild Elekk66A HBeast60
Boulderfist Hunter64 - 65A HHumanoid60
Zorbo the Advisor66A HHumanoid60
Demos, Overseer of Hate68A HDemon60
Xirkos, Overseer of Fear68A HDemon60
Mo'arg Master Planner68A HDemon60
Kil'sorrow Ritualist67 - 68A HHumanoid60
Terrorguard67 - 68A HDemon60
Injured Talbuk64A HBeast60
Windroc Matriarch66A HBeast60
Clefthoof Calf62 - 63A HBeast60
Mountain Gronn66 - 67A HGiant60
Storming Wind-Ripper70 - 71A HElemental60
Raging Fire-Soul70 - 71A HElemental60
Rumbling Earth-Heart70 - 71A HElemental60
Deathshadow Acolyte70 - 71A HHumanoid60
Deathshadow Archon70 - 71A HHumanoid60
Reth'hedron the Subduer73
A HDemon60
Deathshadow Warlock70 - 71A HHumanoid60
Deathshadow Overlord70 - 71
A HHumanoid60
Deathshadow Hound70 - 71A HBeast60
Talbuk Patriarch66 - 67A HBeast25
Boulderfist Crusher64 - 65A HHumanoid18
Subjugator Vaz'shir68A HDemon9
Windroc Hunter64 - 65A HBeast8
Living Cyclone66 - 67A HElemental7
Dust Howler64 - 65A HElemental7
Clefthoof Bull65 - 66A HBeast7
Windroc Huntress66A HBeast6
Deathshadow Spellbinder70 - 71A HHumanoid4
Cho'war the Pillager67A HHumanoid4
Crashing Wave-Spirit70 - 71A HElemental3


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