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Quick Facts
  • Buy for: 26 86
  • Disenchantable (25)

Wrangler's Cloak

Wrangler's Cloak
Binds when equipped
31 Armor
<Random enchantment>
Requires Level 17
Item Level 22
Sell Price: 5 37

Random Enchantments (Property)

  • ...of Stamina (9.09091% chance)
    +4 Stamina
  • ...of the Whale (9.09091% chance)
    +2 Stamina, +2 Spirit
  • ...of the Monkey (9.09091% chance)
    +2 Agility, +2 Stamina
  • ...of the Eagle (9.09091% chance)
    +2 Stamina, +2 Intellect
  • ...of Intellect (9.09091% chance)
    +4 Intellect
  • ...of Agility (9.09091% chance)
    +4 Agility
  • ...of Spirit (9.09091% chance)
    +4 Spirit
  • ...of the Wolf (9.09091% chance)
    +2 Agility, +2 Spirit
  • ...of the Falcon (9.09091% chance)
    +2 Agility, +2 Intellect
  • ...of the Owl (9.09091% chance)
    +2 Intellect, +2 Spirit


Sludge Anomaly19
A HElemental1.2
Darkslayer Mordenthal21
A HHumanoid0.7
A HHumanoid0.4
Daughter of Cenarius23 - 25A HHumanoid0.3
Blackfathom Myrmidon22 - 23
A HHumanoid0.2
Fallenroot Rogue21 - 22A HDemon0.2
Blackfathom Oracle21 - 22A HHumanoid0.2
Windshear Vermin20 - 21A HHumanoid0.2
Deepmoss Matriarch22A HBeast0.2
Geltharis22A HDemon0.2
Murkshallow Snapclaw22 - 23
A HHumanoid0.2
Skittering Crustacean22 - 23
A HBeast0.2
Mavoris Cloudsbreak22A HHumanoid0.2
Sironas20A HDemon0.2
Blindlight Murloc22 - 23
A HHumanoid0.2
Mutanus the Devourer20
A HHumanoid0.1
Xabraxxis19A HDemon0.1
Captain Fairmount20A HHumanoid0.1
Dark Strand Assassin21A HHumanoid0.1
Gravelflint Bonesnapper19 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Stormscale Sorceress19 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Diathorus the Seeker22A HDemon0.1
Engineer Whirleygig17
A HHumanoid0.1
Deviate Shambler19
A HElemental0.1
Deviate Venomwing19
A HBeast0.1
Wandering Barrens Giraffe18 - 19A HBeast0.1
Deviate Dreadfang19
A HBeast0.1
Thistlefur Avenger21 - 22A HHumanoid0.1
Thistlefur Shaman21 - 22A HHumanoid0.1
Thistlefur Totemic22 - 23A HHumanoid0.1
Thistlefur Ursa22 - 23A HHumanoid0.1
Druid of the Fang19
A HHumanoid0.1
Crazed Ancient22 - 23A HElemental0.1
Cenarion Vindicator22A HHumanoid0.1
Ghostpaw Runner19 - 20A HBeast0.1
Wildthorn Stalker19 - 20A HBeast0.1
Shadethicket Wood Shaper23 - 24A HElemental0.1
Singed Shambler21 - 22A HElemental0.1
Bleakheart Shadowstalker19 - 20A HDemon0.1
Felmusk Rogue21 - 22A HDemon0.1
Felmusk Satyr22 - 23A HDemon0.1
Protector Endolar22A HHumanoid0.1
Orux Thrice-Damned22A HHumanoid0.1
Moonstalker Matriarch18 - 19A HBeast0.1
Silverwing Warrior21 - 22A HHumanoid0.1
Fallenroot Satyr20 - 21A HDemon0.1
Stormhide22 - 23A HBeast0.1
Razormane Stalker22 - 23A HHumanoid0.1
XT:423A HMechanical0.1
Hecklefang Stalker22 - 23A HBeast0.1
Fallenroot Shadowstalker23 - 24
A HDemon0.1
Aku'mai Fisher23 - 24
A HBeast0.1
Nightmare Ectoplasm20A Hundefined0.1
Commander Jarrodenus21A HHumanoid0.1
Blackwood Shaman19 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Barrens Kodo19 - 20A HBeast0.1
Thunderhawk Cloudscraper20 - 22A HBeast0.1
Saltspittle Warrior19 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Saltspittle Oracle20 - 21A HHumanoid0.1
Venture Co. Operator19 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Windshear Overlord21 - 22A HHumanoid0.1
Blackfathom Sea Witch23 - 24
A HHumanoid0.1
Deviate Moccasin19
A HBeast0.1
Lord Cyrik Blackforge23A HHumanoid0.1
Besseleth21A HBeast0.1
Roaming Felguard20 - 21A HDemon0.1
Searing Infernal21A HDemon0.1
Deviate Viper19
A HBeast0.1
Deviate Crocolisk17 - 19A HBeast0.1
Deviate Adder18 - 19
A HBeast0.1
Blackfathom Tide Priestess19 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Rotting Slime19 - 20A Hundefined0.1
Thistlefur Pathfinder21 - 22A HHumanoid0.1
Befouled Water Elemental23 - 24A HElemental0.1
Shadowhorn Stag21 - 22A HBeast0.1
Wild Buck19 - 20A HBeast0.1
Elder Ashenvale Bear21 - 22A HBeast0.1
Severed Keeper20 - 21A HUndead0.1
Severed Druid20 - 21A HUndead0.1
Cenarion Protector22 - 23A HHumanoid0.1
Bleakheart Hellcaller19 - 20A HDemon0.1
Xavian Hellcaller20A HDemon0.1
Foulweald Totemic23 - 24A HHumanoid0.1
Foulweald Warrior23 - 24A HHumanoid0.1
Orc Overseer20 - 21A HHumanoid0.1
Forsaken Herbalist20 - 21A HHumanoid0.1
Mystlash Hydra19 - 20A HBeast0.1
Wrathtail Sorceress18 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Wrathtail Wave Rider18 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Deviate Guardian18 - 19
A HBeast0.1
Deviate Ravager18 - 19
A HBeast0.1
Goblin Technician23 - 24A HHumanoid0.1
Astranaar Officer20 - 21A HHumanoid0.1
Astranaar Skirmisher20 - 21A HHumanoid0.1
Darkscale Priestess20A HHumanoid0.1
Darkscale Siren19 - 20A HHumanoid0.1
Warsong Vanguard22 - 23A HHumanoid0.1
Greymist Refugee18 - 19A HHumanoid0.1
Consumed Thistle Bear18 - 19A HBeast0.1
Ashenvale Scout20 - 21A HHumanoid0.1


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