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Quick Facts
  • Buy for: 2 92 59
  • Disenchantable (75)


Binds when equipped
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 29
Item Level 34
Sell Price: 58 51


Swirling Vortex33 - 34A HElemental0.2
The Ravenian35
A HUndead0.1
Triumph Vanguard33 - 34A HHumanoid0.1
Desolation Raider33 - 34A HHumanoid0.1
Kolkar Ambusher34 - 35A HHumanoid0.1
Mistvale Gorilla32 - 33A HBeast0.1
Saltwater Crocolisk35 - 36A HBeast0.1
Bullmastiff35 - 36A HBeast0.1
Alliance Fox Hunter35 - 36A HHumanoid0.1
Desiccated Spearman34 - 35A HUndead0.1
Northspring Windcaller34 - 35A HHumanoid0.1
Northspring Harpy34 - 35A HHumanoid0.1
Lethlas36A HDragonkin0.1
Northwatch Siege Engineer31A HHumanoid0.1
Wildhammer Mercenary33 - 34A HHumanoid0.1
Disturbed Earth Elemental34 - 35A HElemental0.1
Plains Prowler32 - 33A HBeast0.1
Terrortooth Scytheclaw30 - 31A HBeast0.1
Daggerspine Siren21A HHumanoid0.1
Bael'dun Soldier34 - 35A HHumanoid0.1
Forsaken Bodyguard35A HHumanoid0
Dark Iron Bombardier30 - 31A HHumanoid0
[Deprecated for 4.x]Silithid Searcher32 - 33A HUncategorized0
[Deprecated for 4.x]Salt Flats Vulture32 - 34A HBeast0
Withered Battle Boar42A HUndead0
Tomb Fiend35A HUndead0
Theramore Sentry35 - 36A HHumanoid0
Demon Portal Guardian34 - 35A HDemon0
Wrathtail Sea Witch19A HHumanoid0
[Deprecated for 4.x]Galak Windchaser24 - 25A HHumanoid0
Withervine Creeper35 - 36A HElemental0
Private Hallan36A HHumanoid0
Shaggy Black Bear33 - 36A HBeast0
Bloodsail Sea Dog28 - 33A HHumanoid0
Privateer34 - 36A HHumanoid0
Redpine Shaman36 - 37A HHumanoid0
Hulking Mountain Lion33 - 34A HBeast0
Adolescent Whelp34 - 35A HDragonkin0
Swamp Jaguar36 - 37A HBeast0
Syndicate Footpad32 - 33A HHumanoid0
Syndicate Thief33 - 34A HHumanoid0
Ferocious Yeti31 - 32A HHumanoid0
Mountain Yeti24 - 25A HHumanoid0
Dalaran Shield Guard31 - 32A HHumanoid0
Elemental Slave33 - 34A HElemental0
Mountain Lion32 - 33A HBeast0
[Deprecated for 4.x]Silithid Hive Drone33 - 34A HUncategorized0
[Deprecated for 4.x]Scorpid Terror33 - 34A HBeast0
[Deprecated for 4.x]Sparkleshell Snapper34 - 35A HBeast0
[Deprecated for 4.x]Saltstone Gazer34 - 35A HBeast0
[Deprecated for 4.x]Saltstone Crystalhide32 - 33A HBeast0
Scarlet Adept32 - 33
A HHumanoid0
Drywallow Vicejaw36 - 37A HBeast0
Mudrock Tortoise36 - 37A HBeast0
Kolkar Mauler31 - 32A HHumanoid0
Kolkar Battle Lord32 - 33A HHumanoid0
Gelkis Windchaser33 - 34A HHumanoid0
Cleft Scorpid35 - 36A HBeast0
Stonevault Ambusher35 - 36A HHumanoid0
Withered Reaver43 - 44
A HUndead0
Withered Quilguard43
A HUndead0
Withered Spearhide42 - 43
A HUndead0


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